Renewal of Minds, Hearts


There is a lot of excitement over the upcoming implementation of the new translation of the Missale Romanum, and we are eager to share it with you in an upcoming series. However, recent comments from Pope Benedict XVI regarding “liturgical renewal” added an exclamation point.

Speaking at a May 6 conference marking the 50th anniversary of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, the Pope talked about how the true aims of the Second Vatican Council are reflected in this move toward liturgical renewal. The Pope said the Council’s intent “was not principally that of changing rites and texts, but of renewing mentalities and placing the celebration of the paschal mystery of Christ at the center of Christian life and pastoral activity.”

“Unfortunately, the liturgy was seen, perhaps even by us pastors and experts, more as an object to reform than as a subject capable of renewing Christian life,” Benedict said.

Renewal, the Holy Father explained, means so much more than texts and rituals. The liturgy is meant to transform our hearts and minds.

This is the best moment to take stock of our sacramental life in 40 years. As priests, deacons, ministers and lay faithful, we now have a privileged time for an examination of conscience about the way we live our Sunday (or daily) encounter with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

Is it transforming/changing/shaping me? Am I letting Christ give me a “spiritual makeover”? What changes in me and in the way I live?

Let’s not wait for the new Roman Missal. Let’s begin letting Christ transform our minds and hearts in the Mass right now.

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