Prayer in the Face of Need

Publisher's Note

All one has to do is read the signs of the times to see God continuously calling us to prayer.

The latest example is the horrific massacre in Orlando, Fla., that resulted in 50 dead, including the killer, and more than 50 wounded. Sadly, human history is riddled with these tragic incidents.

But we have been equipped with the tools we need in order to heal the profound wounds caused by sin. The strongest of these is prayer. As the world gets more detached from God, it’s up to us, as his sons and daughters, to own up to our responsibility and devote ourselves more and more to asking God to intervene in the most difficult challenges we face.

God has given us all we need to persevere and bring about the healing he desires to give.

Please join me in prayer for the victims of this tragedy, and may we all continue to raise our hearts and minds to the One who is able to heal the deep wounds that constantly cry out for remedy in our time.

God bless you!

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