Partners in the Mission

Publisher's Note

In every print issue of the Register, we strive to bring you news and analysis on the most important issues for Catholics today. And this one is no different, with coverage and analysis of Pope Francis’ new encyclical, a progress report on the status of the apparitions of Medjugorje and an in-depth interview with Princeton professor Robert George, who is one of the most important Catholic voices in the public square today.

And that’s just a sampling of what’s on the cover. Inside, you can read a priest’s firsthand account of the trials of Christians in Iraq, news of the Pope’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Paul Kengor’s Independence Day analysis of the freedoms enshrined by the Founding Fathers and how they’re faring today. There’s even more.

In the coming months, we, along with the entire EWTN News team, will bring you extensive coverage of the Holy Father’s travels and the most up-to-date news on the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia and the papal visits to Washington and New York in September, as well as the synod on marriage and the family in October.

Your financial contributions, for which I am grateful, help make all of this possible. If you haven’t donated to the Register’s mission before, I would ask that you prayerfully consider joining us in our mission through your financial support. We face significant financial challenges as a nonprofit organization, and your collaboration in our work — financial and prayerful — is essential.

God bless you!

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