Our Video

In time for Christmas, the Register has entered the age of online videos.

NCRegister.com now features my brief message to readers about the Register’s role in the great battle of our time: the battle for the culture of life vs. the culture of death.

The video is meant to defend the Register against the attacks it has been under of late and to promote our important mission to potential subscribers and benefactors who know that the mainstream media won’t perform its watchdog function properly regarding the new pro-abortion administration in Washington.

Go and see it for yourself. And choose a year-end gift to the Register from an array of projects that need your funding. In this last issue of the year (we skip the final issue in December), my message to all our readers is not to have a happy holiday, but to have a merry Christmas!

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When Abortion Zealotry and Hostility to Conscience Collide

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The Return of the Canonized Popes

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