New Beginnings

Publisher's Note

This time of year is marked by new beginnings in the Church.

On May 19, the Easter season reaches its culmination with the Solemnity of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church that Christ established on earth. Soon, on May 26, we will celebrate the solemn feast day of the Most Holy Trinity, which particularly distinguishes our faith.

For many families across the United States, this time of year also is marked by high school and college graduations, when thousands of men and women will begin a new chapter in their lives.

In all of these cases, the key is ongoing renewal — both professional and, more importantly, spiritual. Blessed John Paul II, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and now Pope Francis have emphatically reiterated the need for a new Pentecost, both in the Church as a whole and in each member of the body of Christ.

May we heed their words and use this occasion to renew ourselves, thereby renewing our Church — and the world around us that looks to our hope-filled example.

God bless you!

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