Model Sons, Model Story

Because nothing sells like controversy and conflict, the daily news is, broadly speaking, focused on catching people doing something wrong.

At the Register, that equation is inverted: Broadly speaking, we’re focused on catching people doing something right. Not just any people, of course — Catholics. Our radar is especially sensitive to faithful, properly catechized laypeople who are actively bringing Christ to the world and the world to Christ.

That’s a long introduction to “Against the Grain: Boston College Group Strives to Walk in the Footsteps of the Real St. Patrick,” located on page 11 (our Books & Education section) of this week’s issue. If you miss it, you’ll miss out on the information, inspiration and motivation you get whenever you read a model Register report.

I don’t want to give away any specifics here because I really want you to read the whole, beautiful story. In fact, I suggest reading “Against the Grain” twice — once right now and again on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. Both times, invoke the intercession of Ireland’s patron saint. Ask him to help the Sons of St. Patrick persevere in their pursuit of sanctity — and to help the Register find many more Catholics doing something right for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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