Looking Ahead With Hope

Publisher's Note

It can be easy to look back at the last 12 months and dwell on the damage humanity has wrought: the continued, brutal persecution of Christians and minorities in the Middle East and Africa; the persecution of pro-life, pro-family Christians in the United States under the guise of universal health care and “marriage equality”; and the seeming refusal of U.S. politicians to come up with an adequate immigration policy that allows people to seek a better life while protecting national sovereignty. We also said farewell to a number of notable Catholics who fought the good fight, including my dear friends Penny Lord, Father Benedict Groeschel and Helen Hull Hitchcock.

Yet, in this year-in-review issue of the Register, you’ll see words and images of hope in the midst of these profound challenges. I pray that it provides a powerful reminder that we can’t allow ourselves to be dragged down by the things of the world and that we have an obligation, by our sonship in Christ, to reflect the Light of the World into all corners of darkness, no matter how difficult the road.

That has always been the Register’s commitment to our readers, and, at the threshold of the new year, we renew that commitment to God and to you. God bless you this Christmas season. May you have a blessed 2015.

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