Lights, Camera, Action!

Remember the upcoming video I mentioned two issues back — the one of me asking for fundraising help to be posted on our website, Well, it’s not upcoming anymore. It’s up and running.

I’m mentioning it again not just to urge you to take a look (and, of course, consider making a donation), but also to thank the talented people who gave of their time to bring it to fruition. Watch the video through, and I think you’ll agree: They turned a simple interview into an exciting three-minute film. And they did it on a tiny budget. (It helps that they’re Register supporters themselves.)

You’ll also see that, with this video, we’ve added the first-ever interactive component to our website. Now you get to publicly comment on the video after you’ve watched it.

I’ll close by quoting my message in the video: “If you’re not able to give at this time, I ask for your prayers, which are most important. Along with the grace of God, they sustain us in our work. But if you are able to make a contribution to the work of the Register at this time, to help us reach our goal, I urge you to act now.”

Stated another way: You need the Register and the Register needs you. Please help if you can. God bless you!

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