New Age Pitfalls

I read with interest the interview with Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone (“‘Do-it-Yourself’ Salvation?,” Sept. 27-Oct. 3). While the interview focused on the writings of Father Anthony de Mello, Archbishop Bertone's comments rightly connected Father de Mello's works with the New Age movement. Because Father de Mello wrote as a Catholic priest, many Catholics accepted his ideas as examples of acceptable spirituality.

Another Catholic priest whose writings have led Catholics to the errors of the New Age is Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. In 1962, the Holy Office declared that his writings “contain … such grave errors as to offend against Catholic doctrine.”

Because the errors of the New Age are prevalent in our country, Catholics United for the Faith (CUF) has written a “Faith Fact” exposing these errors. The “Faith Fact,” which CUF distributes through a toll-free number, addresses the writings of both priests and offers suggestions on how to present the truth to those involved in the New Age.

Philip C. L. Gray Director of Information Services

Catholics United for the Faith

Register Coverage

I would like to congratulate the Register for its recent coverage on the horrendous Proposition B of Michigan. I also want to add a little more. Under Proposition B, people terminated that have a serious illness, will be listed as having died of that illness in the death certificate.

The fact that they were terminated is covered up.

One thing will be for sure: in the statistics, there will be a sudden jump in deaths from terminal illnesses.

Please pray that this Proposition B does not come to pass. Thank you, for your extensive reporting.

Thomas M. Hagen

Orange, CT

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