
Perfect Score

I would like to thank Marge Fenelon for her wonderful article on Molly Fitzpatrick and her 800 SAT score and, in particular, St. Peter Academy (“Catholic School Generates Perfect SAT Score,” Sept. 28-Oct. 4).

I have two daughters attending the school (kindergarten and second grade). We enjoy the family atmosphere at the school. An 800 SAT score is very impressive, but I was more impressed with Molly's comments. My wife knows her and says she is a very nice young lady. The school is very proud of her.

I know how hard many people work for the success of the school. Sr. Barbara, Sr. Jean and Teresa Donohue (HSA) don't ask for pats on the back, but is nice to see them get some compliments. Sr. Barbara, the principal, knows each child by name.

It is an uphill battle to keep Catholic schools in business. This article boosts the spirits of everyone involved with the school.


River Edge, New Jersey

Who Let the Cardinal In?

What happened? How did he get in? I just read about the newly appointed Cardinal Keith O'Brien of Scotland, who has called for “full and open discussion” about Church teaching on birth control and a reconsideration of the requirement for clerics in the Latin rite to be celibate (”Scots Cardinal Professes Loyalty to Church,” Oct. 26-Nov. 1).

I can't believe that our dear Holy Father knowingly selected such a man, but I guess mistakes do happen. Now it's up to the “good folks” like Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow, who has issued a letter to be read aloud at all Masses in his diocese reaffirming Church teaching on sexuality.

God bless him! (Do you suppose someone got the dioceses mixed up and he was the one who was supposed to be made a Cardinal?

Hmmm. Let's say a whole lot of prayers for Cardinal O'Brien. I think he needs them.


Editors Note: As a later Media Watch noted, the Cardinal says his remarks were misconstrued.

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