Letters 08.07.16

Thorough Piece


Regarding “Embracing Converts” (In Depth, June 12 issue) by Rachel Lu:

What a thorough article about converts. The author outlined her experiences, and now those of her neophyte adult brother, becoming Catholic.

They chose the Catholic Church because it is apostolic, sacramental and has the truth, with loving and benevolent authority.

As for myself, a cradle Catholic with excellent religious training, I chose the Catholic Church as an adult because it was the only Church, founded not by man, but by God.

Mary Smith

Harrisonburg, Virginia



The reliquary mentioned in “America’s National Tribute to St. John Paul II” (Travel, July 10 issue) is in the Luminous Mysteries Chapel of the St. John Paul II National Shrine, not the Redemptor Hominis Church, and was designed by Edoardo Ferrari, not Wieslaw Domaski. The shrine has been open since the Knights of Columbus acquired it in 2011, not 2014, even amidst major renovations. The Register regrets the errors.

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