Letters 07.19.20

Readers respond to Register articles.

Reversing Roe


Reflecting on “Biden and the U.S. Bishops” (Page 1, May 24 issue): The article focuses on Joe Biden, the Democratic Party’s presumptive nomination for president, and his stand on abortion rights. I agree with the article; Biden’s pro-abortion credentials are “gravely contrary to moral law.” Sadly, he is in conflict with two of the Church’s key teachings: abortion and same-sex “marriage.” Every Catholic should be concerned. If we don’t accept Catholic moral teachings, can we proclaim to be Catholic? The U.S. bishops have publicly criticized him for his stand against innocent life. They have also publicly rebuked him on supporting taxpayer funding for abortion. Biden thinks that the Roe v. Wade decision should be codified into federal law. In the article Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, referred to the 2004 “Catholics in Political Life” that stated “if those who perform an abortion and those who cooperate willingly in the action are fully aware of the objective evil of what they do, they are guilty of grave sin and thereby separate themselves from God’s grace.” I believe supporting a pro-choice candidate is willingly cooperating.

The Catholic Church has proclaimed that abortion is an intrinsic evil. I hope and pray that someday our country will reverse the immoral and sinful Roe v. Wade decision and protect all life from conception to natural death. I encourage all Catholics to support life and pray for an end to this shameful procedure. If we can do this, God will surely bless us.             

            Ken Sims

           Moorhead, Minnesota

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