Letters 03.29.20

Readers respond to Register articles.

Smearing Cardinal Sarah

Relevant to recent reporting on the controversy over Cardinal Robert Sarah’s new book and those who criticized Cardinal Sarah:

The despicable slandering, smears and outright lies about Cardinal Robert Sarah is a disgrace upon those who spoke them. To suggest he “manipulated” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is a scandalous, modernist stunt. This holy man holds firm to Jesus Christ as well as sacred Tradition and Scripture. He understands what has been clearly stated by the teaching magisterium better than his critics.

For me, those who slander Cardinal Sarah are “the wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

            Keith Janousek

            Bellevue, Nebraska


Vote for Life

 It does not take very careful reading to notice something missing from your article “Standing for the Unborn, State by State” (Nation, Jan. 19 issue). While discussing pro-life activities in Dallas, Chicago, Georgia, etc., somehow you did not mention the soi-disant “Catholic” states of the Northeast.  The unpleasant fact is that thousands of our fellow Catholics there are solidly voting pro-abortion, even for the pro-abortion Catholic politicians. We are supposed to be impacting the culture;  fortunately, our Protestant brethren are setting a better example.  The bishops need to speak. 

          Charles Molineaux

          McLean,  Virginia


Lenten Inspiration

Regarding “Praying Like St. Monica” (Book Pick, Feb. 16 issue) and the Feb. 16 issue. This Lenten issue is quite beautiful and full of life — inspiration for Lent and the future as an American. I’m definitely interested in The Saint Monica Club by Maggie Green.

            Andrea Alampi

           New Rochelle, New York

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