Letters 03.13.2011

Early Education

I enjoyed the article on marriage (“Bishop Cordileone Fights to Save Marriage,” Feb. 27), at least until the final question asked of Bishop Cordileone by Ms. Browder. I have to take issue with the bishop’s response.

All the elements mentioned by the bishop to explain marriage to the young people through education are applicable.

It is the educational sequence of the theological element that is the problem. The young must know from the start that God’s cooperation in the human creative act by his gift of a soul is essential to them knowing of the special relationship that exists with him. With this knowledge, each youth can recognize why the relationship described by the bishop is so significant. And, with this knowledge, the young can grow and interact with each other in the marriage arena, keeping aware of how God fits in.

Richard Irwin

Wolcott, Connecticut

Tragic Distortion

Regarding “When a Pupil Has 2 Daddies” (Feb. 13):

When will Catholics ever stop thinking that they have to be politically correct by using the anti-Catholic, immoral, unscientific, non-genetic, illogical terms like “two daddies” or “two mommies”? If there is ever any “discrimination” involved, it is directed against the father-and-mother families that are under incessant attacks. These attacks are not based upon truth or reality, but upon distortion, lying and deception — and serve those who follow Satan’s thinking.

Anyone who claims such “discrimination” is, in reality, discriminating against marriage or the basic unit of society — the family (man, woman and children) — and has no business to be associated even remotely with the Church or even claim to be part of the Catholic faith.

Based upon their actions, the Archdiocese of Boston is complacent and, especially the Catholic Education Foundation, appears to be approving and promoting active homosexuality in such a couple that seeks to corrupt little children and others further.

In stark contrast, the Archdiocese of Denver is obviously acting in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Terry Hornback

Wichita, Kansas

I winced when I saw the headline “When a Pupil Has 2 Daddies” in your Feb. 13 issue. Having two daddies is the charming way the homosexual movement would have us think about the tragic situation when a child lives with his father and, instead of the child’s mother, a man with whom the father has a sexual relationship. Unfortunately, the archbishops quoted in your article also refer to both the cohabiting adults in this situation (or its lesbian corollary) as the child’s “parents.” That’s not a true characterization.

Even if the men get “married” under a permissive state law, their married status is only a legal fiction. It cannot change the fact that the child has only one father and one mother (absent certain artificial reproductive practices).

Language shapes thought. It is a huge concession to adopt the language chosen by those who want to distort the meaning of marriage and sexuality. If we come to consider this unrelated third adult as the child’s parent or second daddy (or mommy), the policy outcomes are a foregone conclusion. Let’s resist the use of convenient but misleading labels. 

The rights of the classmates of a child who is being raised in a homosexual setting should not be forgotten. Classmates will naturally be confused by this situation. Shouldn’t we protect their period of innocence?

Thomas Valli

Okemos, Michigan

Is the Archdiocese of Boston so broke and broken that it is recruiting children who live with homosexual couples?

What could make Cardinal Sean O’Malley reverse course on such a critical issue?

Michael Reardon, executive director of Boston’s Catholic Education Foundation, has the answer: money. The foundation won’t provide scholarships to needy students whose Catholic schools reject the same-sex creed.

The Catholic Schools Office of the archdiocese dared to make Pope Benedict XVI seem to agree with them by trying to get readers to misread his words: “No child should be denied his or her right to an education in faith, which in turn nurtures the soul of the nation.” The Holy Father did not say no child should be denied his or her right to an education at a Catholic school. No one has a right to go to a Catholic school; everyone has a right to be educated in the Catholic faith.

Cardinal O’Malley should make his fundraisers and volunteers find the money — or he will have to close schools. Most of the nation’s millions of home-schoolers are doing fine. But if two dads and two moms are his solution to saving Catholic schools, what good are his schools anyway? Who will evangelize the same-sex couples and the children who live with them? Who will re-evangelize the confused Catholic school children under his apostolic care?

Be a father to your children, Your Eminence.

George A. Morton

Hopewll Junction, New York

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