Letters 01.16.2011

Formative Info

In my final year of seminary last year — as a transitional deacon at Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, Conn. — I received a one-year gift subscription to the Register. Subsequent to my ordination to the priesthood on May 29, 2010, in Kansas City, Mo., my priestly ministry has benefited richly from the Register. Your paper provides vital information on the teachings of the Church, Catholic world events, even the actions and addresses of Pope Benedict.

Being away from the academic environment of the seminary, I have needed the Register to help stay connected with the issues that the Catholic Church holds dear. Hence, the Register is an important part of my priestly ministry, and I hope it will be for a long time.

So far, I’ve shared each issue with a different person or family when I am finished with it — along with a subscription form. I am grateful to God for the work you do — through his grace may you keep it up.

Father Philip Luebbert

St. John LaLande Parish

Blue Springs, Missouri

The editor responds: Thank you for your kind words and prayers, Father. The Register makes an effort to send out gift subscriptions to as many newly ordained deacons and priests as we can each year.

Weighing in on JP2

Regarding news of the possible John Paul beatification in 2011 (NCRegister.com and on page 5 in this issue):

I am one of the many who are impatiently awaiting the great Pope John Paul II joining the ranks of the saints. I wish I could be there for the ceremonies, but I doubt that will happen. I envy and rejoice for those who shall be blessed to be there. He was a wonderful gift from God to us all.


via NCRegister.com

In spite of the reservations voiced by some posters here, I am totally delighted by the report of this miracle and the beatification of the Venerable John Paul II.

No pope is perfect, but when viewed as a whole, the pontificate of John Paul II will be recorded as the most consequential for the papacy and the world in modern history.

I recommend reading George Weigel’s newest book, The End and the Beginning: Pope John Paul II — The Victory of Freedom, the Last Years, the Legacy, to fully appreciate this Pope’s enormous and positive impact on the Church and the world. I, for one, look forward to addressing him as Blessed (and later St.) John Paul II.

Justin Marcellus

via NCRegister.com

Why the rush? Is popularity the main criteria for sainthood? I think we should get the sex-abuse scandal behind us before holding this man up as a saint. We may be learning more about his complacency and neglectfulness as these legal cases make their way into a courtroom.

Stephen N. O’Brien

via NCRegister.com

Pope St. John Paul II sounds heavenly to me. He will go down in history as St. Pope John Paul II “The Great.” He was truly an example of prayer and holiness.

Only God knows how much he loved the Church and suffered for the Church. He modeled Christ as closely as any man has ever done. God will make sure JPII receives the honor of sainthood very soon.


via NCRegister.com

Sarah’s the Ma’am!

Regarding “Sarah Palin vs. the Kennedy Legacy” (In Depth, Jan. 2):

Kathryn Jean Lopez correctly reads the situation, and those who criticize Palin’s reference to Catholics in politics are wrong.

To accuse Palin of not practicing what she believes except when it is convenient is baseless. That Palin is Protestant is irrelevant. I was born Protestant and came to Catholicism later in life. My path gives me perspective. I completely understand what drove Luther to criticize the Catholic Church, and I also can recognize when those that came after him took it too far. However, this is more basic than that. Anyone can read and understand the teachings of a faith and then question why someone doesn’t follow all of those precepts.

That is a valid logical argument, not a criticism of faith. Though I believe that one does not need a religious faith in order to be moral, it is ridiculous to say that one’s faith is irrelevant to one’s political choices. It is valid to ask why a Catholic believes that abortion is justified. How a person answers that tells you much about that person. Maybe they can make a coherent argument; maybe they will just sound ignorant like Nancy Pelosi when she makes unsubstantiated claims about Catholicism. There is no constitutional religious requirement, but we are allowed to use all data when forming an opinion about a candidate. If one chooses which of his religious precepts to follow, does he also choose which civic precepts to follow? We need a sense of that.

The anti-Catholics are the Democrats in Minnesota who sent out pamphlets implying that Catholics care more about abortion than the poor. I know full well when the Catholic faith is attacked, and Palin did not attack it.


via NCRegister.com

Auld Lang Syne

Sweet article on Dick Clark/ Times Square (“Making Fun of Dick Clark,” Jan. 2, NCRegister.com).

I, too, thought it was lovely to see him there and plucky of him to appear, imperfect as he is.

As we all are.

Thanks for the moving article.

Bette Solomon

Sierra Madre, California

The Right Choice

Pertinent to “Pregnancy Centers Under Attack” (Jan. 2-15):

It seems the pregnancy centers, and we who stand for life, need to raise our voices loudly for “Choice,” the very cry that is the battle call for Planned Parenthood and those who don’t hesitate to take an infant life. If choice is what is good for women, and for society, then, clearly, pregnancy centers provide it — choices of alternatives to the calculated murder of the innocent. Yes! I stand for that kind of choice!

Bob Naas

via NCRegister.com

Heavenly Music

Regarding “Chicago’s Cathedral” (NCRegister.com and on page B5 in this issue):

Ms. Jansen’s eloquent piece does not do justice to one aspect of Holy Name’s evangelizing presence in downtown Chicago — its amazing music ministry.

For variety and quality, this ministry must surely rank among the top in the world. I was fortunate enough to hear the professional group on a recent trip to Chicago, and I look forward to the opportunity to hear them again, soon. Any Catholic visiting the Windy City should check out the cathedral’s excellent website and plan Mass attendance in accordance with your musical yearnings. Oh, and the preaching was very good, too.

Mary Elizabeth Williams

via NCRegister.com

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