Jesus Is Risen and Present to Us Today


(Photo: Register Files)

There are times when the mystical realm of our faith collides with the temporal on important days, and it is wise to take note of it.

Last year, it was the passing of beloved Mother Angelica on Easter Sunday. A holy woman who suffered much and who was devoted to the Risen Christ left this world on the ultimate day of victory.

This Easter, as we celebrate Christ’s victory over death and our redemption, following the desolation of Lent and Christ’s passion and death, we mark the 90th birthday of one of the most prodigious intellects and educators of our time: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Pope Benedict was clear in his teaching on the Resurrection. In his last Easter address urbi et orbi (“to the city of Rome and to the world”) as pope, the Holy Father declared, “Jesus is someone in whom we can put absolute trust; we can put our trust not only in his message, but in Jesus himself, for the Risen One does not belong to the past, but is present today, alive.”

Please join me in praying for our beloved pope emeritus on this special day. I wish all of our dear readers a joyous Easter season!

God bless you!

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