Going Forward in Faith in 2019


(Photo: EWTN photo)

As I look back on the events of 2018, I am grateful to God that he has placed us here at this time in human history.

As witnesses to one of most catastrophic periods of scandal to stain the Catholic Church, we need to look toward 2019 with a clear vision, mission and purpose. However, in a year overshadowed by the disgrace of clergy sex abuse in the Church, there were many bright spots — Pope St. Paul VI’s canonization, Taiwan’s public rejection of same-sex “marriage” and EWTN’s religious-liberty victory, to name a few. In things little or big, God is always inviting us to greater union with him.

With what unfolded in 2018, we can faithfully do our part to help heal the suffering Church on earth: Our worship at Mass and our prayer lives can be more focused. We can live our lives for the next life. We can turn our tacit acceptance of a disintegrating culture of death into a vocal, active affirmation of what it means to be Catholic, living the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.

Let’s resolve to live the year 2019 with renewed energy and focus on the things that matter most.

God bless you!

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