‘For Unto Us a Child Is Born’

Publisher's Note

In these final days of Advent, I encourage all of you to truly prepare your hearts to welcome the birth of the Christ Child on Christmas. To draw inspiration from this issue of the Register, please see our stories on Christmas in the Holy Land and at the Vati

Though we know in our hearts that the birth of Our Lord is the real “reason for the season,” it can be very difficult to focus on this truth at this time of year. Advent has been obscured by such a blizzard of commercialism and troubling world events that it seems an extreme act of the will is needed to slow down, reflect and “prepare the way of the Lord.”

So, between our Christmas shopping and pre-Christmas gatherings, let us all catch our breath and ready our hearts for the Savior — reading Scripture, going to Mass during the week, going to confession and praying more as a family. We will surely arrive at Christmas Day refreshed and ready to greet the newborn King.

“For unto us a Child is born, to us a Son is given” (Isaiah 9:6).

May God bless you with a happy and holy Christmas!

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