Election Year ‘To Do’ List

Last election was close — but pro-lifers gained in . This year’s will be closer — and pro-lifers may lose ground.

Let’s do whatever we can to see that they don’t. Here are some actions each of us can take this election season. We thank Priests for Life for the suggestions. Find everything you need at PriestsforLife.org (click “Elections” on the home page).

1. Register voters.

Pro-lifers can’t win if pro-lifers don’t vote. Abortion supporters energetically register voters. We should do the same. It’s important to note that registering voters is a neutral action. Churches and groups of all kinds can run registration campaigns without fear of crossing any legal lines. Get your parish or your group to participate.

2. Learn what you can say.

Powerful pro-life messages are often left unsaid because of fear of legal restrictions. Ave Maria Law School and Priests for Life co-sponsored a 2003 legal symposium called “Are We as Restricted as We Think?” Learn what they found out.

3. Write letters to the editor.

Brief, pointed letters to the editor of local newspapers (find samples at the Priests for Life site) are very effective at getting the pro-life message out. If abortion is a key issue in your state this election cycle, write to your paper about their coverage.

4. Get your pastor involved.

If you have a warm relationship with your pastor, tell him to consider educating the parish about life issues. The Priests for Life site offers resources for preaching, bulletin inserts and educational booklets for the Church bookrack or library.

5. Learn how to be an Internet apostle.

The Internet can be used to spread the word about issues, candidates and political responsibility far and wide. Priests for Life offers instructions on going to chat rooms, discussion forums and bulletin boards to raise awareness about the elections. Anyone who already works with websites should consider linking to election materials and pro-life sites. Or learn how to make your own blog or website to help people take part in your own state’s elections or to spread information about the candidate of your choice.

6. Be an effective e-mailer.

There’s no need to go searching for opportunities to share the importance of the elections with pro-lifers. You have a group you can reach with the tap of a few keys — the friends and family in your e-mail lists are often pro-lifers who live nearby. Tell them about the issues and candidates that are important to the cause. Encourage them to get involved.

7. Distribute voter guides.

You may be needed in your community to help distribute voter guides on the weekend prior to the election. An election can be decided based on how many of these are given out. If you can help in this effort, sign up on the Priests for Life site and become a volunteer. The site includes legal information for your pastor, so that you can remind him that it is legal to distribute informational fliers in church parking lots when you seek his permission.

8. Vote early.

Make use of early voting and encourage others to do the same. In many states, you can vote before Election Day without needing a special reason. This decreases the chances that something unexpected will prevent you from getting to the polls. Also, remind people you know that, if they will be out of town on Election Day or unable to leave their house, they need to request and send in an absentee ballot.

9. Call voters.

When Election Day approaches, you can increase the number of votes for the candidate of your choice by calling your friends and urging them to go to the polls. On Election Day, take the day off from work and help people get to the polls if they need a ride, someone to watch their children or some other form of assistance.

10. Be a poll watcher.

Contact your local board of elections and ask about how you can volunteer for poll-watching duty, whereby citizens are present at the polling places on Election Day to make sure that the elections are conducted fairly and efficiently.

11. Campaign for your candidate.

Support the candidate of your choice by making a financial contribution and/or  working on his or her campaign. Also, show support for your candidate by means of yard signs, bumper stickers and pins.

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