Darkness Into Light

Publisher's Note

This edition of the Register encompasses Holy Week, which takes us from the depths of darkness in our Lenten observance on Good Friday to the brilliant luminosity of Easter Sunday, the Church’s ultimate celebration.

As we navigate the final days of this penitential season, it is proper for us to pray for the thousands of catechumens around the world who have prepared for their first Easter in the Church. According to statistics from the Vatican’s 2016 Pontifical Yearbook, Church membership throughout the world increased in 2014-2015 from 1.12 billion to 1.27 billion.

According to the most recent U.S. statistics from 2014, 39,654 people were baptized, confirmed and received first Communion, and 66,831 candidates were received into full communion with the Church. Our page-one story in this issue shows how some dioceses have helped converts continue their journeys with Christ after the exhilaration of their homecoming.

May God continue to bless you during Holy Week and throughout the Easter season as we celebrate the reality that Christ is risen!

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