'Catholic' Colleges?

Your excellent series on mandatun secrecy is, hopefully, opening the eyes of many Catholic families who are looking for a college (“Mandatum Cover-Up? — Parents Feel Left in the Dark About Professors at Catholic Colleges,” June 1-7).

Georgetown University refuses to disclose which professors have a mandatum? Fine. Cross it off your list. By the way, how can a professor of theology not [receive] the mandatum and remain on the faculty?

The day of the old, established “Catholic” universities has, for the most part, passed. They long ago compromised their Catholic identities in their rush to embrace the world. Look to the many excellent smaller Catholic colleges, where orthodoxy is not a term of derision.

It is incredible that it has taken 20 years for the Pope's wishes on the mandatum to actually be put into effect. This passive resistance by the U.S. bishops speaks volumes about their lack of submission to the Holy Father. Is it any wonder the U.S. Church is in deep trouble?


Sedalia, Missouri

Apparently the mandatum required of religion/theology professors in Catholic universities by Ex Corde Ecclesiae requires these professors to refrain from teaching anything as Catholic truth that, in fact, is not. This is well and good, but do these professors also have no obligation to teach the fullness of the Catholic faith — e.g., that abortion, euthanasia and other actions are serious moral evils?

It appears quite evident from the commencement walkouts at Georgetown and St. Joseph's universities, where some moral evils were mentioned by the speakers, that some professors are not teaching and feel no obligation to teach certain moral truths.


Omaha, Nebraska

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