Bolstered Resolve

Publisher's Note

It seems that the idea of religious freedom, highly prized and explicitly promoted by the Founding Fathers of the United States, is alive and kicking.
On June 30, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, holding that businesses like Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties can’t be forced to violate their deeply held religious beliefs. (See page-one story.)
On the same day, EWTN received emergency relief from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals against the imposition of the same unjust contraception mandate from the federal government. (See story on page 2.)
While these victories don’t, in and of themselves, mitigate our challenges, they do bolster our resolve as we continue the fight.
The 11th Circuit relief will enable EWTN to continue our cause of action against the mandate without amassing the $35,000-per-day penalties that the government could otherwise assess, which would have begun July 1.
I am especially grateful for your prayers and support. While we are not yet free from the mandate, this is indeed a huge step in the right direction.
God bless you!

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