Alleluia! He Is Risen!


(Photo: EWTN)

“As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, ‘Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. ... But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you’” (Mark 16: 1-7).

These words from the Gospel of Mark, which Catholics around the world hear proclaimed at Easter, are no less impactful now than when they were first uttered 2,000 years ago.

And it’s no less important for us to believe, live and proclaim the truth of these words to an increasingly disbelieving world than it was for the apostles to risk public denouncements, beatings and martyrdom.

Fueled by the sacraments and the certitude of what Christ’s ultimate act of love gives all of us, let us take another opportunity this Easter to bring God’s message to our family members, relatives and friends who may be in need of a loving reminder that Christ came, died and lives for us all. Happy Easter, and God bless you!

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