A Call for Solidarity

Letters 07.03.22

Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions. (Photo: NCRegister.com)

A Call for Solidarity

Thank you, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, for prohibiting Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, from receiving Holy Communion, as reported in the June 5 issue of the National Catholic Register. I applaud your bold, courageous and appropriate decision. You exhausted all possibilities to change her heart and mind; but on the contrary, she, along with other pro-abortionists, keep legislating for more aggressive unfettered abortion rights. I hope and pray that more and more bishops will follow in your footsteps. When asked if your declaration would apply elsewhere in the U.S., you answered, “No two situations are the same and bishops may reach different conclusions.” While I know that the bishops are not obligated to take your laudatory stand, I think it creates confusion in an already somewhat confused Catholic Church.

Thank God for the several bishops who are in agreement with your noble action. Please God, let more bishops take this stand. I call for solidarity on this issue. Like vinegar and oil, advocating killing babies and receiving the Most Holy Eucharist don’t mix.

 Tina Arbore

 Greenville, South Carolina



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