1 in a Million, Just 1 of Us

Publisher's Note

Quick: What Catholic role model of the 20th century spoke the following words?

Give whatever he takes, take whatever he gives, with a big smile.

Very few people are instantly identifiable by fewer than 15 of their unheralded words, especially if they lived to a ripe old age. But I think it’s safe to say that, with just a small clue (in this case, the era) most Catholics would correctly attribute the above quote to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.

In this issue we pay tribute to the diminutive yet towering religious who showed, by her humble words and even humbler life, that — even though she was a “1 in a million” Christian — every one of us is called to sainthood. Mother Teresa’s response to a TV interviewer who told her, “People say you’re a saint” was “We’re all called to be saints. I’m called to be a saint. You’re called to be a saint” — not what the interviewer was expecting to hear.

Don’t miss the exclusive front-page interview with Missionary of Charity Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, postulator of the cause of Mother Teresa’s canonization. The fascinating priest spoke with the Register’s news editor, John Burger, at the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Conn. Father Brian was there to help launch a marvelous exhibit celebrating the 100th anniversary of Mother Teresa’s birth on Aug. 26.

And speaking of the exhibit, this issue also presents a review by our staff writer, Joseph Pronechen, whose fine reporting will motivate you to travel to New Haven or, next best thing, allow you to experience the exhibit vicariously. Either way, you’ll be glad you read about it.

“We can do no great things; only small things with great love.”

Everyone knows who said that.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta: Pray for us.

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