Holy Apostles College & Seminary

“Ultimately, the truth we seek at Holy Apostles is an encounter with Jesus Christ, ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life.’” — Very Rev. Peter S. Kucer, M.S.A., S.T.D., president/rector

Holy Apostles College (Photo: Register Files)

📍33 Prospect Hill Road, Cromwell, CT 06416

📞(860) 632-3010

🌐 Holy Apostles College & Seminary Website


No. of Students: 654

No. of Majors/Areas of Study: 3

Mandatum: Yes

Daily or Weekly Eucharistic Adoration: Yes

Places Where Students Can Study Abroad: N/A

Annual Cost of Tuition: $1,185 per three-credit-hour course

Typical % of students who receive scholarships and/or typical amount of financial aid: 82% receive some form of financial aid; $24,655, average financial aid package, not including loans.

Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 12:1


Why Holy Apostles

Holy Apostles College & Seminary offers an authentic and academically excellent Catholic liberal arts education. Rooted in the Thomistic tradition, we provide students with the tools to relentlessly pursue the truth in evangelization, develop a thoroughly Catholic worldview based in faith and reason, and grow in love to become faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ. Holy Apostles has been cultivating Catholic leaders for evangelization since the 1950s on our quiet and beautiful campus located in Cromwell, Connecticut.

The Institution:

Campus Culture:

School’s Comments:

Institution: Institution: “Ultimately, the truth we seek at Holy Apostles is an encounter with Jesus Christ, ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life.’” — Very Rev. Peter S. Kucer, M.S.A., S.T.D., president/rector

Holy Apostles College & Seminary offers an authentic and academically excellent Catholic liberal arts education. Rooted in the Thomistic tradition, we provide students with the tools to relentlessly pursue the truth in evangelization, develop a thoroughly Catholic worldview based in faith and reason, and grow in love to become faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ. Holy Apostles has been cultivating Catholic leaders for evangelization since the 1950s on our quiet and beautiful campus located in Cromwell, Connecticut. Undergraduate, graduate and personal interest programs are available on campus or 100% online. Admissions Office: admissions@holyapostles.edu; (860) 632-3026. The flexibility of online learning places a faithfully Catholic education within reach of anyone, regardless of where they live, where they work, or the time available to them. The “Take Credit!” dual-enrollment program allows high-school juniors and seniors the opportunity to begin taking college classes early. We also offer a bioethics certification within our Master of Arts in Theology degree in partnership with the National Catholic Bioethics Center. Aspire higher at Holy Apostles!

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