Christendom College

Ranked by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute as one of the top 10 colleges in the United States, providing one of the most rigorous liberal arts programs in the nation since 1977.

Christendom College

📍134 Christendom Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630

📞(800) 877-5456

🌐 Christendom College Website


No. of Students: 550

No. of Majors/Areas of Study: 7 majors and 3 minors

Mandatum: Yes

Daily or Weekly Eucharistic Adoration: Yes; daily Eucharistic adoration, along with a monthly night of all-night Eucharistic adoration

Places Where Students Can Study Abroad: Students can spend a semester of their junior year studying in Rome, and they can also spend three weeks in the summer studying in Ireland as part of the St. Columcille Institute.

Annual Cost of Tuition: $29,400

Typical % of students who receive scholarships and/or typical amount of financial aid: 98%

Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 15:1


Why Christendom

Christendom College has been providing one of the most rigorous, Catholic liberal arts educations in the nation for more than 45 years. In complete faithfulness to the magisterium, the college has been giving its students the opportunity to learn the truth, live the faith, and thrive as Catholics in a supportive and Christ-centered culture dedicated to helping them realize their potential and become the great men and women God has called them to be.

The Institution:

Campus Culture: 

School’s Comments:

The Institution:

Campus Culture: 

Additional Comments:

Institution: Since 1977, Christendom College has been offering a time-tested and rigorous Catholic liberal arts education that develops the student’s intellect in such a powerful way that they graduate with the ability to master any subject — no matter how complex the vocational calling. In complete faithfulness to the magisterium, the college has been giving its students the opportunity to learn the truth, live the faith, and thrive as Catholics. They are being given the education and the tools they need to become leaders in society, as they work to fulfill the college’s mission of “restoring all things in Christ.” Our curriculum and committed faculty are complemented by a culture of unmatched personal attention, helping each student discern and develop his academic and vocational goals. Our students thrive in a vibrantly Catholic culture dedicated to personally helping them realize their potential and become the great men and women God has called them to be. Christendom is not merely a curriculum of courses — it is an organic way of life and culture that helps the whole person mature in wisdom, virtue and ability and prepares them to work as lay apostles seeking to make the culture more Christocentric.

Campus Culture: All courses taught from distinctly Catholic worldview; 99% of student body population is Catholic. There is daily Mass, confession and adoration; vibrant campus life with leadership, athletic, and extracurricular opportunities; study-abroad opportunities in Rome and Ireland; and no residence hall intervisitation.





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