5 Ways to Solemnly Celebrate Good Friday

In addition to offering a service celebrating the Lord’s passion, many parishes will also have Stations of the Cross later in the evening.

Jesus on the cross.

Good Friday is considered for many one of the holiest days of the liturgical year. Part of the Triduum, Good Friday is the day the Church turns its attention to the cross on Calvary. It is the somber day Jesus Christ was crucified.

Catholic churches everywhere can be seen with a bare altar and with the door of the empty tabernacle open. As the Church mourns, Catholics are also called to solemnly observe this holy day.

Here are some ways you can solemnly celebrate Good Friday:

Attend the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at Your Local Parish

Mass is not celebrated on Good Friday. However, Catholic churches will offer a service celebrating the Lord’s Passion with holy Communion and veneration of the cross. These services are normally held at 3 p.m. because that is the time Jesus died on the cross.

Participate in the Stations of the Cross

In addition to offering a service celebrating the Lord’s passion, many parishes will also have Stations of the Cross later in the evening. This is a wonderful opportunity to meditate on the events that took place on Good Friday, which led to Jesus’ passion and crucifixion.


Throughout Lent, Catholics are encouraged to fast on all Fridays. On Good Friday, strive to observe the obligatory full day of fasting by consuming no more than one full meal and two smaller meals that do not equal the one larger meal. In addition to fasting from food, you can also fast from social media, television, or radio in order to spend more time meditating on the significance of the day.

Read the Lord’s Passion in the Bible

If you’re unable to attend a celebration of the Lord’s passion or Stations of the Cross, try to find time to spend in Scripture. Jesus’ crucifixion can be found in Mark 15, Luke 23, John 18, and Matthew 27.

Spend Time in Prayer

Spending time with the Lord in prayer is a great way to solemnly celebrate Good Friday. You can simply spend time speaking with Jesus or sit in silence as you allow yourself to be in his presence. Other prayers you can include are the Litany of the Passion and the Seven Sorrows of Mary. You can also pray the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary. Or, you can begin the Divine Mercy Novena, which starts today.

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