You Can't Make This Up: Free Abortions for Hurricane Victims

A group of abortion centers in the Houston area is offering free abortions through the month of September to anyone affected by the hurricane.

An image from an advertisement for free abortions in the Houston area. (Photo: Register Files)

Of all the possible things someone affected by the recent Houston area hurricane would need, would you think an abortion would be anywhere on that list?

Yet a group of seven abortion centers in the Houston area is offering free abortions through the month of September to anyone affected by the hurricane.

Their blog post laments successful pro-life legislation that has cut back on abortions in the state:

During Hurricane Harvey, many of the clinics in Houston had to close temporarily, leaving women with very few options. Continued political attacks on abortion access make an unwanted pregnancy particularly stressful in Texas — add that to the stress of dealing with hurricane aftermath. We can only imagine what a stressful time this must be for those patients who had to miss their appointments or are waiting for the nearest clinic to open.

While it's highly unusual to offer free abortions — profit is the driving force of the abortion industry — research shows that once a woman has one abortion, she often ends up having a second, or even a third. So money is still a big motivator here in spite of the compassionate-sounding language. “Immediately after Hurricane Harvey made landfall, many of our staff members volunteered to help their local communities. Whole Woman’s Health continues to support multiple efforts that will benefit those affected by this devastating storm. But we can do more. Texas woman deserve it. To ensure our patients get the compassionate, quality abortion care they deserve, we’re providing no-cost abortions for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.”

Such bogus sympathy only plays on the overwhelmed emotions of a young pregnant woman at what is probably the most vulnerable time in her life. Often pressured to abort by those around her, usually with multiple challenges confronting her, she's an easy target for folks pretending they have a “solution” to her “little problem.”

Texas women deserve — what? Do they deserve the truth? The truth of the humanity of the unborn child that every ultrasound proves? Apparently not, as abortion centers routinely refuse to show them to pregnant women. Do they deserve to know that abortion increases the woman's risk of future infertility and miscarriage, and even breast cancer? No, apparently they don't deserve that truth either. Do they deserve to know that most relationships involving an abortion end, that the risk of depression and even suicide increase greatly following an abortion? Do they deserve to know that pro-life pregnancy centers are available to give them the entire truth, including an ultrasound, absolutely free, and that these centers will assist them with maternity housing, pre-natal care, adoption, maternity clothes, literally anything they need.

Equally as sickening as the offer of free abortions is the fundraising this group is doing to pay for their “services.” “The Stigma Relief Fund” complains that “unnecessary legislation enacted by our government is adding significantly to the time and financial burdens women face in seeking abortion care. Our mission is to support and aid women and people in their effort to obtain an abortion amidst these burdens.”

So what does the catchy phrase, “Texas women deserve it” actually refer to? More abortions?

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