What the Bible Reveals About Infant Baptism

“The sheer gratuitousness of the grace of salvation is particularly manifest in infant Baptism.” (CCC 1250)

Pietro Longhi, “The Baptism” (1755) (Photo: Public Domain)

Does the Bible support the baptism of infants? Yes it does, though the evidence is indirect (deductive):

Who are the members of a household? In my own household, the “members” are my wife and I, three sons, and a daughter. Families had many more children in those days, so it is quite reasonable to assume that they were included in the baptism. In Acts 18:8 the phrase used is all his household. Many biblical passages connect household and children (e.g., Gen 18:19; 31:41; 36:6; 47:12; Num 18:11; 1 Chr 10:6; Mt 19:29; 1 Tim 3:12).

As in Acts 18:8, above, many other passages reference entire households being saved (Lk 19:9; Jn 4:53; Acts 11:14; 16:31). I see no reason to exclude infants from that equation. To be saved (or baptized), one doesn't necessarily have to be aware of what is happening.

For example, say a child was born with severe brain defects, and died at ten years of age, still incapable of rational thought or communication. Is that child damned simply because he or she couldn't “believe”? The determination of salvation or reprobation is a mystery ultimately resting with God. But it's certainly not based only on mere age and state of knowledge.

The baby obviously doesn't consciously “accept Christ,” but is made a member of God's covenant by grace, just as the Old Testament circumcised child was part of the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants.

People receive grace all the time based on other people's actions. That's what intercessory prayer is about. When the child is old enough, he or she can choose to be a follower and disciple of Christ of their own accord (a large part of the function of the sacrament of confirmation).

Another argument for infant baptism is St. Paul's analogy to circumcision, as initiating one into a covenant with God, or the kingdom (Col 2:11-13). Israel was the church before Christ (Acts 7:38; Rom 9:4). Circumcision (of eight-day-old boys) was the seal of the covenant God made with Abraham, and applies to us also (Gal 3:14, 29).

Infants were fully included in the covenant (Gen 17:7; Dt 29:10-12, cf. Mt 19:14). Likewise, baptism is the seal of the new covenant in Christ. It brings cleansing from sin,  which circumcision signified (Dt 10:16; 30:6, Jer 4:4; 9:25; Rom 2:28-9; 4:11; Phil 3:3).

Biblical indications for baptismal regeneration are even more explicit and undeniable. When we compare the following three passages, we find striking parallels having to do with baptism:

Note the thematic similarities:

We interpret Scripture by comparing it with itself, to help determine what less clear passages mean. “Washing” in one verse (with two other common elements) is similar to “water” in the other. Thus, baptism is tied to salvation, in accord with the other verses above. Many other passages directly indicate baptismal regeneration:

The latter passage is a typical Hebraic parallelism, or what is called “types and shadows”. In the Old Testament, when “salvation” was mentioned, it usually referred to winning a battle or being saved from an enemy. In other words, “physical” salvation. This became a metaphor for spiritual salvation in New Testament thought. Here, Peter makes the same sort of analogy. The eight persons in Noah's ark were saved through water (i.e., primarily saved from drowning). The water of the flood symbolized baptism that now saves you also.

Baptism saves us spiritually, not physically. In no way can water baptism be thought to save us physically, so in order to maintain the symbolism Peter is referring to, we must conclude that it saves us spiritually (baptismal regeneration). The parallel is between the Flood and water baptism. As Noah and his family were saved through water, so Christians are saved by baptism — not merely “symbolically” saved, or engaging in “a symbolic ritual” after being saved.

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