Tweeting for Vocations

The Archbishop of Utrecht in the Netherlands has launched a global Twitter campaign for new vocations.

The initiative was inaugurated by on Friday to coincide with the start of the Year for Priests, with a call for prayer posted on Twitter by Archbishop Willem Jacobus Eijk.

Said Archbishop Eijk, in a press release posted here on

“The world is in dire need of priests to celebrate the Eucharist, the heart and the source of our faith. We want to join the Holy Father at the start of this ‘Year of the Priest’ by answering Jesus’ call to pray for workers to bring in the harvest (Luke 10:2). Twitter is one of the fastest-growing social networks in the world, so it’s a great medium to get many people involved in this prayer campaign.”

From an earlier post:

In this Year of the Priest, join the worldwide Twitter Prayer Relay for future priests. Here is how it works:

1 - Choose a day and pray specifically for future priests (you will find prayers in several languages on this website).

2 - Post a Tweet that you are praying for vocations, and invite your Twitter followers to do the same. Use #futurepriests in your Tweet so we can assemble all messages related to the campaign on this website.
The goal is to have several people praying for future priests on each day of the Year of the Priest.



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