The Super Bowl of Dead Babies

Picture this…

It is half time during the Super Bowl.  You just watched some funny commercials from Doritos, Budweiser, or Geico.  Then the next commercial hits the tube.  This commercial shows dead babies.

A small group of anti-abortion-rights advocates are hoping to recruit a presidential candidate so they can run graphic ads showing aborted fetuses during the Super Bowl, reports.

The group hopes to employ the same tactic used during the midterm elections by Missy Smith, an anti-abortion-rights activist who unsuccessfully ran for Washington, D.C., delegate. Smith “took advantage of federal rules that prevent broadcasters from censoring election ads unless they defame others or violate copyright,” according to In the early 1990s, the Federal Communications Commission and federals court ruled that graphic abortion images are not indecent.

I think it is clever to use election law to force networks to broadcast pro-life ads at which they would otherwise balk.  That said, I am of two minds about this.

I am unconvinced about the effectiveness of showing aborted babies to an unsuspecting public.  For sure, dead babies are the reality of abortion and people should know it.  That said, I suspect that many people would be understandably upset if they see such a thing during a family event like the Super Bowl.  Perhaps even more so if their children see it.

Do you wake up more people to the reality of abortion than tune you completely out by doing something like this?  What say you?

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