The Sinking Ship. What's The Big Deal?

I don’t understand why everybody is getting so upset about this captain abandoning ship.  I mean what is the big deal?  This kinda thing happens everyday.  Don’t think so?

So a guy was showing off a little and just wanted to have a little fun.  One thing led to another and he got a little careless.  But then the fairly predictable but unintended happened.  Now things start to get heavy, man, and lives hang in the balance. 

After all, he was just looking for a little fun, this wasn’t supposed to happen.  He thinks, “Am I supposed to let one bad decision ruin my life?”

No, he decides. Oh sure, he is responsible for what happened and he should be a man and own up to his responsibilities putting others interests ahead of his own.  But that is not gonna happen. He is not gonna risk his life over this one bad decision and he splits leaving others to fend for themselves.  And if that means that someone’s life, an innocent life trapped in the belly will be lost as a consequence of this abandonment, well so be it.  Nothing he can do about that.

So he takes off and death results as a consequence.

For generations men have been behaving just this way with little or no legal or cultural consequence.  Millions of men behave just like this every year and millions of human beings have died each year as a consequence. And we, as a culture, make little or no fuss about it.  What is the big deal as long as we don’t need to see the body parts?

For two generations we have allowed men, encouraged men to act just in this way and then we are surprised when they act this way? So what is the difference here?

The difference this time is that the entire world saw the horrible aftermath of this craven behavior.  If the whole thing had been more clinical and the bodies and the mess quickly removed from sight, things would have been much better.  That is the way we prefer our manslaughter.

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