The Reality of China's One Child Policy

Remember not too long ago when the Catholic Vice President of the United States said this about China's one child policy? "Your policy has been one which I fully understand -- I'm not second-guessing -- of one child per family ..."

This is the reality of the policy which Joe Biden fully understands and would never second guess.

She was forced to abort, and then the tiny body of the seven-month-old child was left bleeding on a bed next to the woman. On 3 June, Feng Jianmei, a young Chinese woman from the country’s Shanxi region, experienced a double horror.
Missionary news agency AsiaNews reported that the woman was beaten and dragged into a vehicle by a group of Family planning employees, while her husband, Deng Jiyuan was at work. Population control had asked the family to pay 40 thousand Yuan (approximately 4 thousand Euro, the equivalent of three years’ work) for violating the one-child law. But they did not make the payment, so the authorities forced Jianmei to abort in her seventh month of pregnancy.

This is what 'policy' looks like. Beaten, dragged and forced to abort. A dead bleeding baby lying next to her distraught mother the result of violating 'policy.'

Why would we ever second guess that?

Elections do matter.

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