Register Radio: Women Religious & "For Greater Glory"

Columnist Jimmy Akin and Tim Drake

On today's Register Radio, Dan Burke led the show off with his interview of Catholic columnist and blogger Jimmy Akin about the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's doctrinal assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the largest body of women's religious in the country. Jimmy provided a thorough explanation of the document's findings and the reaction to it.

"The CDF investigation uncovered a series of doctrinal problems that challenge the core of the Christian faith," explained Akins. "Some leaders said that the nuns were moving beyond the Church, or beyond Jesus. The investigation found one organization - The Resource Center for Religious Institutes - which runs seminars on 'how to go non-canonical,' and found a group of Benedictine sisters in Wisconsin that had renounced their vows, reorganized their effort as an ecumenical project, and yet kept their property."

In addition to the show, Jimmy wrote an article on the subject, interviewed author Ann Carey, and provided a transcript of that interview - all of which are available at the National Catholic Register.

For Greater Glory

In the second half of the program, Thom Price interviewed myself about the film "For Greater Glory," which opens in theaters on June 1, and tells the largely unknown story of the Mexican Cristero Rebellion. Thom asked about the film, its Catholicity, and the significance of the story.

"It's a unique story that isn't even known by 70% of Mexicans. It tells of the religious persecution and violence that occurred within our hemisphere within the last century," I told Thom. I provided my initial reaction to the epic movie.

You can read my interview with Andy Garcia, and the resulting interviews of other talent in the film, and a short video clip of Andy Garcia talking about his role as General Enrique Gorostieta. To learn more, listen to the show. As always, it airs at 2 p.m. EASTERN on the EWTN radio network this afternoon, and is also available via podcast and on the Register Radio website.

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