Pro-Choice Episcopal Bishop Says Climate Denial is a Moral Issue

Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the Episcopal church, who is pro-choice on the issue of life, says climate change denial is a "moral issue."

“Episcopalians understand the life of the mind is a gift of God and to deny the best of current knowledge is not using the gifts God has given you,” she reportedly said. “In that sense, yes, it could be understood as a moral issue.”

She continued by saying, “I think it is a very blind position. I think it is a refusal to use the best of human knowledge, which is ultimately a gift of God.”

Wow. Seems like a hard line, huh? Well Jefferts Schori takes a rather more...nuanced view on other issues such as life.

"We say it is a moral tragedy," she said of the Episcopal Church's stance on abortion but adds "that it should not be the government's role to deny its availability."

So let's just get this clear. She believes that while taking life in the womb is a "moral tragedy" which does not quite rise to the level where government action should take place. However, on climate change, "The Episcopalian church will host a webcast on 24 March to kick off a month-long action campaign designed to encourage church members to reduce their own carbon footprints and lobby government and international corporations to fight climate change."

So lobbying government is good for battling climate change but not to prevent the taking of the life of the unborn? Now that's some priority setting.

The part that irks me is the condescending view that those who don't believe climate change is the paramount issue of our time are scientific Neanderthals who are morally "blind."

Have you seen an ultrasound? Is that science? Have you heard that at the moment of conception an individual's unique set of DNA is created that never existed before and will never again be repeated? That's science. No one disputes that. Maybe that's a moral issue worthy of action. Maybe saving the lives of those most in need of protection is a worthy cause for those who follow Christ.

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