Peg Noonan...

channels and articulates the enormous pool of anxiety and fear upon which our civilization precariously sits.

A culture of death is a culture of fear.  And as long as it is impenitent, it will persist in attempting to stick more and ever more band-aids on the thousand open and running sores instead of repenting being a culture of death.  That’s why we are so rapidly morphing into a security state.  We hope that technology, regulation, and force will save us.  The narrative of this world is that trusting God is pollyanna nonsense.  As long as we embrace that folly and keep trusting in money, sex, and power we will continue to sink into fear.

This Advent: repent!  It’s the only way.

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‘Natural Plan’ — New Couple to Couple League Video Series

The 10 video modules are supported by bonus videos, activities, guidebooks and other resources.

Mother Mary Lange and Other Black Heroines of the Faith

Elizabeth Clarisse Lange entered religious life and lived to be more than 90 years old, dying in 1882.