Outrage!! Catholic Georgetown Chooses Sebelius For Commencement

I can't believe it. I can, but I can't.

One of the leading ostensibly Catholic Universities, Georgetown, has invited the author of the virulently anti-Catholic HHS mandate, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, to be one of its commencement speakers.

There is no way to interpret this other than a direct slap and challenge to the USCCB.  Georgetown needs to lose its Catholic certification immediately.  The Cardinal Newman Society reports:

In what can only be interpreted as a direct challenge to America’s Catholic bishops, Georgetown University has announced that “pro-choice” Catholic Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and lead architect of the Obama administration’s assault on religious freedom through the HHS contraception mandate, has been invited to speak at one of Georgetown’s several commencement ceremonies.

The Cardinal Newman Society has posted a petition to protest this outrage here: GeorgetownScandal.com.  It has also alerted Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl and sent a letter to Georgetown President John DeGioia urging him to immediately withdraw the invitation.

We cannot allow this to happen or we cannot allow Georgetown to carry the name Catholic.

In the defining battle of our generation over religious liberty and the rights of conscience, you are either with us or against us.  Georgetown has now affirmed, they are against us.

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