Newsweek: Say, What's Wrong with Cannibalism Anyway?

An increasingly post-Christian culture is at war with the notion that humans are different from the animals

I suppose once your culture allows executing infants in the womb and euthanizing the elderly, it’s no surprise that the taboo on cannibalism might be next.

Newsweek recently ran a piece authored by two university lecturers from the U.K. suggesting that cannibalism could just solve world hunger and our refusal to embrace it is just a weird hang up we haven’t ditched... yet. The piece suggests that cannibalism is common in the animal kingdom and asks why it wouldn't be with humans? It is never suggested that humans are not simply animals. It is never considered that humans are made in God’s image.

Thankfully for most of us, there is no need to overcome our repulsion for the foreseeable future. Some philosophers have argued that burying the dead could be wasteful in the context of the fight against world hunger—but there are much more palatable alternatives on the table than a haunch of human. We can shift to eating more plants and less meat to conserve resources lost by feeding plants directly to livestock. Insects can meet our protein needs, and there is the prospect of cultured meat technology.

The foreseeable future?

Later, the authors write, “For now, we’re as happy as you are to continue accepting the ‘wisdom of repugnance’: human flesh, despite its biochemical similarities to that of other mammals, shall remain firmly off limits.”

For now? The authors seem to think that it's just a matter of time before circumstances dictate that the taboo on cannibalism might fall. In fact, they seem to believe that it wouldn't require that big of a push.

We suspect that we could adapt to human flesh if need be. Many people develop disgust for all kinds of meat, while morticians and surgeons quickly adapt to the initially difficult experience of handling dead bodies. Our ongoing research with butchers in England suggests that they easily adapt to working with animal parts that the average consumer finds quite disgusting.

An increasingly post-Christian culture is at war with the notion that humans are different from the animals. Once you dispel with the notion of a Creator you're left with creations, all equally meaningless. This is anti human exceptionalism and suggests that human beings are just meat and that any offense to our intrinsic dignity is subjective and given time will fall as humans accept the law of the jungle and appreciate the enlightenment of animals.

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