My favorite film blogging: Looking Closer & FilmChat

Regular readers have noticed that my film blogging has been lighter of late—and if anything, that trend is going to continue, for reasons that will become clear soon.

For now, though, I want to highlight a welcome development in film blogging that I’m very much looking forward to following in the months and years ahead.

Two of my dear friends and fellow film writers have joined the new Film channel at Patheos: Jeffrey Overstreet of Looking Closer and Peter Chattaway of FilmChat.

I’m especially pleased to see Peter coming out of a long blogging and writing hiatus. Jeff has remained consistently prolific as long as I’ve been reading him, but I’ve missed Peter’s presence for awhile, and it’s great to see him easing back into the game.

If you aren’t familiar with Jeff’s writing, you can’t do better than to start with his contemplative, symphonic  review of Wes Anderson’s delightful Moonrise Kingdom, now in theaters. Here’s how Jeff introduces his review:

Of Gods and Men made Steven Greydanus say that he felt like he had become a critic in order to be prepared to review that movie.

I’ve only felt that way about a few films. Moonrise Kingdom is one of them.

When someone like Jeff writes something like that…saddle up!

As for Peter, check out his photo essay on close-ups in Alien and thoughts on conceptual and visual contrasts between Alien and Prometheus—and, if you’re interested in biblical films, Peter’s notes on movies in development on the early life of Christ, with his rundown of every Oscar-winning British thespian who could be in the running for the role of Herod in one production. That’s the kind of rigorous, methodical analysis you get from Peter.

I’ll be reading…and linking…as often as I can.

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Mother Mary Lange and Other Black Heroines of the Faith

Elizabeth Clarisse Lange entered religious life and lived to be more than 90 years old, dying in 1882.

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