It Would Be Irresponsible for Pro-Lifers to Donate to Komen Now

Did they cave or didn’t they? Did Susan G. Komen buckle under the pressure from Planned Parenthood, the media, and the party of death which all got their thug on to kick Komen’s teeth in.

Here’s the thing - it doesn’t matter. What matters is that it would be absolutely irresponsible for pro-lifers to fund Susan G. Komen.

As we know, Komen is currently funding Planned Parenthood and very well may continue funding them next year. We don’t know what will happen in the future. It’s impossible to know for sure what they intend to do. I believe they intend to. Others are praising Komen’s nuanced announcement and believe they won’t. But here’s the thing, pro-lifers always get smacked upside the head by nuance. When there’s hedging, we lose.

But it doesn’t matter because as long as the possibility exists I don’t think anyone who cares about the unborn can donate to Komen now. Giving to Komen now while the possibility that they may fund exists may direct your money to Planned Parenthood.

To rely on a company that has long supported Planned Parenthood and has shown no problem with abortion, one would have to imagine they very well might do it again.

But you can believe that maybe they won’t fund Planned Parenthood. As long as the question is there I don’t see how pro-lifers can support Komen.

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