How Are You Celebrating Corpus Christi? Let Us Hear From You

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‘Corpus Christi’ (Photo: Sidney de Almeida)

For more than 700 years Catholics have been celebrating Corpus Christi — the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

This year, for instance, at the Corpus Christi Cathedral in Corpus Christi, Texas, the celebration will include Mass, confession, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a Eucharistic procession wending its way two miles around the city on June 8.

(Previously, the feast was always celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday, which would be June 8 this year, but many dioceses in the U.S. have transferred it to the Sunday after that, which in 2023 is June 11.)

How about you? How are you planning to mark this great feast? Will you be celebrating on Thursday or Sunday? Will you be joining a Eucharistic procession at your parish or elsewhere?

The Register would like to hear from you, our readers, how you’re planning to mark the day. Please share in the comments section below, or email your thoughts or reflections to You can surely inspire others to draw strength from this feast in this great hour of need in our country and world.

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