House to Vote on "Freezing" Planned Parenthood Funding

When Republicans say they want to cut government funding for Planned Parenthood but aren't willing to shut down the government over it what they're really saying is that Democrats want to fund the abortion giant more than Republicans want to cut its funding. So in light of them marching into this battle with their hands already up, Republicans are reportedly planning a vote to "freeze" funding for Planned Parenthood in the fall.

What does a funding freeze mean and how does that differ from a funding cut? It seems that the freeze would be temporary - in fact, it would only last for a year. I guess they're hoping that Democrats will more likely be amenable to a freeze as opposed to a cut. Or they're thinking that it's enough of a step to quiet down those mouthy pro-lifers. Methinks that the GOP is either attempting to fool pro-lifers or they're deluded by the level of fealty that Democrats must show to Planned Parenthood.

The Hill reports:

A bill to defund Planned Parenthood is expected to come up for a vote shortly after lawmakers return from recess, aides said. It would likely take the form of legislation from Black which would block federal funding to Planned Parenthood for one year, although leaders are still weighing their options.
“There’s a couple specific possibilities being discussed,” the spokesman said. A vote to defund Planned Parenthood comes amid an intensifying debate among congressional Republicans who are split about the prospects of a government shutdown over the health provider. At least 18 Republicans in the House, as well as a small coalition in the upper chamber led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), have said they will refuse to back a budget deal that includes federal dollars for Planned Parenthood. But others, including Black and Senate Majority Leader McConnell (R-Ky.), say a shutdown is not a solution. “I’m not in the shutdown government camp. That is not the way to get to the bottom of this issue, by shutting down the government,” (Rep. Diane) Black told Politico last week.
Black has argued that because Planned Parenthood’s largest revenue stream is Medicaid – which is mandatory spending – a defunding vote would not greatly restrict its budget. “Those who believe [a shutdown] helps us defund Planned Parenthood misunderstand what the precedent is, and misunderstand what happens,” her spokesman added.

The thing is the Republicans are saying that they'll vote to freeze funding on Planned Parenthood but if President Obama really pushes back (which he will) they'll relent. The videos from the Center for Medical Progress show that Planned Parenthood is killing babies and selling them for parts without consent. And the government is funding them. If that's not worth standing up against, what is?

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