Did You Hear About Healthcare at Mass?

The USCCB came out strongly against the current healthcare bill which is now being considered by the House of Representatives. You wouldn’t know this from the mainstream media coverage which has been too busy reporting (celebrating?) that the Catholic Health Association endorsed the healthcare plan.

The bishops did, however, put out a bulletin insert on March 11th asking Catholics to contact their elected representatives and urge them to protect life. The banner of the insert reads: “Stop Abortion Funding in Health Care Reform! Protect Conscience. Ensure Affordable Health Coverage. Allow Immigrants to Purchase Private Health Insurance.”

The text reads:

“As long-time advocates of health care reform, the U.S. Catholic bishops continue to make the moral case that genuine health care reform must protect the life, dignity, consciences and health of all, especially the poor and vulnerable. Health care reform should provide access to affordable and quality health care for all, and not advance a pro-abortion agenda in our country. Genuine health care reform is being blocked by those who insist on reversing widely supported policies against federal funding of abortion and plans which include abortion, not by those working simply to preserve these longstanding protections.”

I pray that every Catholic that hears those words or reads them takes action and stands against the current healthcare legislation that is being crammed through Congress right now.

But here’s the thing. I went to Mass on Sunday but I did not receive the insert nor did the priest speak about the issue at all.

I’m wondering how many of you received the insert in your bulletin or did your parish discuss healthcare, abortion, or conscience protections in any way?

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