C9 Cardinals Conclude Meeting, No Decision Yet on Reform

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ. (Photo: Edward Pentin)

The seventh meeting of the Council of Cardinals - the so-called C9 - concluded yesterday evening with no formal decisions made.

The cardinals' three-day meeting, which began on the morning of 9 December, was mostly dedicated to three themes:

• the reform of the Curia;

• the composition of the Commission for the Protection of Minors;

• the reorganization of the economic organs of the Holy See.

On reforming the curia, the cardinals looked at the specific question of the reorganization of the pontifical councils that work in relation to the laity, the family, justice, peace and charity.

Although Pope Francis hinted in a recent interview that some could be merged and headed by laity, no formal decision was reached. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said reform will be a long and gradual process.

Turning to the Commission for the Protection of Minors, Father Lombardi told reporters its membership will be enlarged from 8 to 18, with additional representatives from various ecclesial and cultural contexts around the world. The commission will hold its plenary meeting 6 to 8 February when it is expected that all members will have been confirmed.

Finally, on the reorganisation of the economic dicasteries, no specific decisions were made but members emphasized the importance of continuing good coordination between the Council for the Economy and the C9. The next plenary session of the C9 will be held from 9-11 February.

Father Lombardi also told reporters that immediately before the consistory convoked on the 12 and 13 of the same month, the work and proposals of the C9 will be presented. He also said that a consistory for the creation of new cardinals will be held on 14 and 15 February.

An estimated 10 cardinals are likely to be made at that time, assuming Francis sticks to Paul VI’s quota of 120 voting cardinals under the age of 80. But some authoritative voices around the Vatican are saying at least two curial prelates who would normally automatically be considered to receive a red hat are not expected to do so. Already, Francis has resisted elevating Patriarch Francesco Moraglia of Venice to the College of Cardinals, even though traditionally the patriarch is always a cardinal. “Everything is currently up for grabs,” said one source. “There’s no knowing what might happen.”

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