Black Children Are an Endangered Species

Atlanta Group Exposes an Ugly Truth

I think I keep up with pro-life news and politics pretty well. But even I was startled by the statistics highlighted in a recent “Endangered Species” billboard campaign sponsored by (Georgia Right to Life):

“Abortion is not a me issue.  It’s not a you issue.  It’s not a personal issue, nor is it just a woman’s issue.  It is a human issue.  And today, with over 40% of all black pregnancies ending in induced abortion, it is a human crisis. The ‘Endangered Species’ campaign highlights the disproportionate impact of abortion on the black community ... Today, abortion kills more African-Americans, per year, than heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease, accidents, homicides, suicide, and cancer–combined. Black women have abortions at over 3x the rate of white women. The truth screams loud and clear–we are killing our very future.”

The promotional video above demonstrates the theme of the (so far) 65 billboards that have been erected in and around Atlanta.

Of course there’s been an outcry from the opposition. Even the NY Times felt compelled to comment, pointing out that the abortion rate among black women is higher because the fertility rate among black women is higher.

To which I say: Thank you for bringing that up!

The fact that black women become pregnant more often than white women is one of those pesky population problems Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger described with the words:

“we are paying for … an ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.”

Think that old-fashioned abortion/racism connection is a thing of the past? Think again. The same scary sentiment was echoed by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg in 2009:

“Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Bravo to Georgia Right to Life for shining the light of truth on Planned Parenthood’s racist roots. There are no pretty words to describe the policy of teaching an entire population of people that their own children are a threat to their future prosperity. There is no nice way to say that black people are disproportionately victimized by abortion.

It’s an ugly truth. But I am glad some people are angry enough to expose it.

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