Atheism and Genocide

Given enough time and influence, atheism leads to genocide.

(Photo: Barak Broitman, CC0, via Pixabay)

First, we should be clear about terminology. We talk about “secularism” or “secular humanism” and this is presumed to be a way of life and philosophy that is urbane, civilized, well-intentioned and benevolent toward all. It is the philosophy of those who wish for a better world — a world without religion and all the division, strife and superstition that religion brings with it.

Secular humanism is portrayed as a kindly, rational, common-sense philosophy. It is a way of life that seeks goodness without God and peace for all through an open-ended toleration for all and by all.

But of course, a philosophy and way of life without God is really something else. It is atheism, and atheism (as history shows us) leads to genocide.

Now don’t for a moment suppose that I am saying all atheists are genocidal maniacs. Of course not. When times are good and people are affluent and the air conditioning works, atheists (like most everybody else) are easygoing and benign.

Nevertheless, what we believe affects how we behave, and given enough time and influence, atheism, as sure as the sun rises, leads to genocide.

Here’s why benevolent secular humanism (aka atheism) leads to genocide: If you don’t believe in anything other than this physical realm, then the only thing worth doing is trying to improve the one world you’ve got: this one. 

You can improve this world in one of two ways: First, by simply making yourself more comfortable. Second, by making the world a better place for all.

However, you’re not going to be here very long, and because it is hard to make the world a better place you’re going to have to be quick about it. It would be nice to take the time to convince everyone to help you make the world a better place, but people are lazy and stubborn and they will probably not agree with you and your particular plans to make the world a better place.

So to get the job done, you’re going to have to use a bit of force. You know, “To make an omelet you have to break some eggs.” 

This is where the second part of being an atheist comes in handy. Because you don’t believe in God or an afterlife or such silly fairy-tale stuff like the human soul, then you don’t have to worry about what might happen to your soul after you die. This means you can do whatever you like to whomever you like because you will never have to pay the price.

Therefore, if you have to round up a few stubborn people, lock them up and eliminate them, you’ll never have to answer for it.

Furthermore, if you don’t have a soul, neither does anyone else, so you don’t have to worry how many you bump off. After all, they don’t have souls either, so what does it matter if you kill them? It’s no worse than pulling weeds.

This is called the utilitarian solution. It is doing everything necessary to bring about the highest degree of happiness for the largest number of people. Unfortunately, to achieve that end there will be casualties.

Just like you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs, you can’t make a brave, new world without breaking heads.

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