Advice from Santa’s Workshop and Jesus’s Manger

(Photo: Register Files)

When St. Nicholas morphed into Santa Claus, it was a secular way to take the joy of Christmas and trim off the religion.  Santa’s a great guy, but he’s not half the man St. Nicholas was. Just as humanism has much goodness to it, without God at the center, it’s missing the core.

We can soak in all the goodness of the world, and then go deeper with Jesus.  In the spirit of the Christmas season, I’ve put together two lists; one from Santa’s workshop just for fun and one from Jesus’s manger, for our faith.

Advice from Santa’s Workshop

Advice from Jesus’s Manger

Santa—if he were real—would be superhuman.  Jesus—who is real—is supernatural.  They both bring joy but one is eternal and the other is just for a season. We need not look under the tree to find the true gift of Christmas—the babe, the son of Mary.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16).

May the love, peace and joy of Christmas fill your heart with Christmas gladness and shine onto everyone you meet.

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