A Fun and Easy Way to Be Pro-Life

ALL's Pro-Life T-Shirt Week Appeals to Youth

Do you have your pro-life t-shirts ready?

The week of April 27 - May 3 is American Life League’s National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week.

It’s a cool way to raise pro-life awareness and enthusiasm among young people. They even have a photo contest going on with some attractive prizes (iPod touch, anyone?). I am way too old and tired a mom to read through the complex rules, but you better believe I am forwarding the contest FAQs to my 15-year-old daughter to attempt with her friends—looks like great fun (with an important lesson) for them.

If you are an old lady pro-lifer like me, you can still support this youth-focused effort. You can help promote the contest yourself. Or consider buying one of the pro-life t-shirts for a young activist in your life.

I really like ALL’s positive approach to pro-life activism and their embracing of young people in the movement to increase awareness.

Let’s get the word out! Happy pro-lifing!

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