The Best of Catholic Blogging

Can Sinners Work Miracles, Say the Penitential Psalms for Lent, and Henry VIII the Crowned Monster...

Can Sinners Work Miracles? - Reginaldus, New Theological Movement

For Timeless Wisdom Like This - Frank Weathers, Why I Am Catholic

12 Reasons It’s Harder to be a Dad than a Mom - Matthew Archbold, National Catholic Register

Henry VIII:  Crowned Monster - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Still Looking for a Lenten Penance?  How about Saying the Penitential Psalms? - Kate Edwards, Australia Incognita

A Lament for Our Lady of Walsingham - Stephanie A. Mann, Supremacy and Survival

The Sunday Homily: Are You Ready for Lent? - Father James Farfaglia, Illegitimi non carborundum

Unreconstructed Ossified Manualists Unite! - Father John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?

Kim Jong-Il Makes Me Laugh - LarryD, Acts of the Apostasy

This will be a continuing series, Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register by